Saturday, September 28, 2013

Notes for Android Google Maps API Version 2

Some notes:

  • It is required to obtain an API key at the Google APIs console
    • First step is to create a project, the name is not important
    • Within the project, switch on the Google Maps API
    • Create a "Registered App" for each key you want to create
      • I have 1 desktop and 1 notebook, so I ended up registering 2 apps with the debug keys on each machine
      • These keys, by default can be used across apps
  • There are 2 main ways to include a map in a screen
    • The preferred way is to use a fragment, which can be used with the most flexibility with the newer API levels
      • Some older devices won't be able to use fragments unless it's called from within a FragmentActivity
    • Alternatively, MapView can be used but requires life-cycle events to be forwarded to the MapView
  • Gotchas:
    • You have to include the source codes of the Google Play Services library project in your workspace in order to use the API
    • It still doesn't support the ingestion of a KML file and automatically drawing the contents on the map
    • The docs say you don't have to use MapsInitializer.initialize, I've had to do it (with MapView)

Android API Levels

This page contains the reference to use on this:

Simple Guide on "How to Get Started in Data Science"


Contains pointers for people from different backgrounds e.g. Java developer, Hadoop developer, Statistician etc.

Java Still Going Strong

I've always believed in using Java for the backend because of its performance, maturity, versatility, availability of open source tools/libraries and also you can have large teams work on projects together without things getting messy.

So it's good to see these articles, which also provide a good inside look at Twitter's struggles with Ruby on Rails and its subsequent migration to Java:

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Twitter Search Queries

Advance Twitter search queries:

Twitter Java Library

Twitter4J is an open-source (Apache License) Java Twitter library that can be used to integrate into Twitter's API.

It includes OAuth and gzip support, and can be used within Android.
